Tara Reck, Managing L&I Attorney at Reck Law PLLC - Workers' Compensation Attorneys

The New L&I Website and L&I Claim Portal

The Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) has revamped its website and the new site is now available publicly. You can have a look at https://www.lni.wa.gov/. According to L&I, the goal is for the new site to be more accessible with simplified and mobile friendly navigation, as well as larger and more readable fonts. Other goals include easier access to sign in to secure online services, and a clean and streamlined look.


The new L&I website: Updates and changes

While the website address has not changed, they have restructured some internal pages. Because of that, the L&I news release indicates users may have to update bookmarks and favorites. For Spanish-speaking work injury claimants, L&I says that its Spanish website is still up and running. As of the time of this writing, the links to the Spanish L&I claim site are broken and are not working, as are other sections of the site. However, the English site still contains help links for people with limited English language abilities.


If you follow my posts, you know I use the L&I website all the time. In my opinion, it is filled with useful information, news bulletins, and important links. For this reason I’ve been both eager and apprehensive for this website upgrade. Today I spent some time exploring the new site. I’m not surprised to discover that it is going to take me a while to get good at using the new site. On the old site, I regularly used the search feature to find specific forms, data, or to research aspects of claim administration. I am a little concerned that the search feature on the new site isn’t as efficient as the old site. I’m also concerned that many of the old information and links are no longer available on the new L&I website.


Searching for L&I forms and links

For example, as a test I searched for both WSF (which is the term for Work Status Form) and WVF (for Work Verification Form). It is a very common form that our injured worker clients fill and file all the time with L&I to keep their time-loss benefits going for their L&I claim. Unfortunately, for both “content” and “forms & publications”, the new site did not return any results. When I searched for Work Status Form, it returned over 800 results. The form wasn’t one of the top results. Finally, I put my search term “Work Status Form” in quotes. Alas, that returned 3 results, one of which was the form.


Therefore, for the record, this is the new link for the Work Status Form. Another important form, the Activity Prescription Form (or APF) can be found in this APF link. This simple exercise suggests that it is going to take time before anyone will be able to effectively navigate the new website. I have to say that they did succeed to make the site look clean with streamlined content. Also, it did work well on mobile.


L&I claim and Account Center

For the L&I Claim and Account Center portal, where anyone can view the status of an L&I claim, there hasn’t seem to be any changes for right now. However, the link for Claims and Accounts Center has changed and it is now https://secure.lni.wa.gov/home/.


L&I is accepting questions, comments and concerns about the new site. Here, feedback can be submitted to WebFeedback@Lni.wa.gov. I think that injured workers and people with L&I claims should spend some time to go over the site and provide feedback. As it stands right now, while new and exciting, the fact remains that older links are not working and a lot of great information that was there before is no longer available.


  1. Manuel luis

    ola buenas noches la verdad no entiendo bien esto de l&i me leccione en mi trabajo de la cadera y eso iso que un nervio de mi pie me enpezara adoler alguien que me pueda ayudad que hacer o aquien prwguntale para que me ayude Con mas informacion

    • L&I attorney

      Bajo L&I tienes un año desde la fecha de la lesión para presentar un reclamo para cobertura de tratamiento médico y beneficios por perdida de tiempo. Todo resultado de la lesión cae bajo la cobertura médica, pero se necesita la opinión de un médico para demostrar que todos los síntomas son relacionadas a la lesión laboral. Para presentar un reclamo, debe ver a un médico que trabaje con trabajadores lesionados en la red de L&I y decirle que tiene una lesión laboral y necesita presentar un reclamo. Puede encontrar un médico aprobado aquí: https://lni.wa.gov/agency/languages/spanish.

      Si ya tiene un reclamo abierto y le han negado cobertura médica o beneficios, puedes llamar nuestra oficina para asesoramiento al (360) 876-4123.

  2. Darla Aiken Tinker

    I would like to know if there is legislation or law to protect employees who work at liquor establishments that close the end of the night that require extra protective measures, such as more than 1 person , weapons, lighting, video surveillance.. etc.

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